Next on the list is some of my more recent work, the start of my latest project, the final project for the degree. Throughout studying I haven't really been that happy with the work I have made, some of it seemed to be a means to an end, it was just to fill criteria, for me to get by. Now working on a self initiated brief I am really interested in what I am doing, enjoying it and it feels like I am getting something from it.
The title of the project started as 'Ideas of space', I was interested in what I was calling 'Non-space'. Places and spaces that seem to have no given purpose or have lost one due to different circumstances and also 'in between' spaces, subways, stairs and alleyways etc.
This idea has now evolved and I am thinking about 'liminality', the 'liminal'. I guess this is what I was initially drawn too and interested in but I wasn't really sure how to explain my thoughts. 'Liminal space' is know as a space/place on a threshold, these photographs are some of the initial shots I took in the early stages of the work. They were taken on out of date slide film and colour corrected which has produced the strange tonality and colours.
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